ESP design, manufacture and install bespoke machine lifting solutions for the movement of loads vertically and horizontally. Solutions range from individual component lifts to entire turnkey systems.
All of which encompass a variety of applications such as:
Personnel access lifts
Industrial automation and packaging
Pallet / Box lift and transfer systems
Industrial goods lifts
ESP not only provide systems for industrial systems but also cater for a wide range of leisure and entertainment applications. These include stage lift and scenery solutions utilising state of the art technologies.
Typical Applications:
Theatre and stage applications
Platform movement systems
Multiple lift systems
Large load and vehicle lift systems
B.M.U. lifts
D.D.A. lifts
ESP also specialise on lift regeneration. This largely involves replacement of lifts and elevating systems with new/replacement technology.
ESP also provide specialist lift support and maintenance contracts.

Engineering Systems & Projects - Lift Video Channel

ESP Vauxhall Regeneration of Goods Lift

ESP Royal Arts Art Handling Lift